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What’s happening at the Academy for Justice

Brittney Griner’s court case begins Friday, experts speak out

Brittney Griner’s court case began Friday, as legal experts speak out.

‘Bite Marks,’ Homophobia, and Bias: How Two Women Were Wrongly Convicted Because They Loved Each Other

“This case was a confluence of faulty forensic evidence — bogus bite mark evidence — homophobia, stereotypes about drug use, and bias against substance use disorders, which all converged together to lead to these wrongful convictions,” said Valena Beety, who represented Ms. Stubbs in her post-conviction litigation.

Supreme Court Limits Prosecutions For ‘Crimes of Violence’

Story by Ashley Oddo; What is a crime of violence and does it include attempted robbery under the federal Hobbs Act? In a 7-2 decision, the Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that attempted Hobbs act robbery does not qualify as a crime of violence.

In the Opioid Epidemic Prosecutions Don’t Always Help Victims

After working as a Rape Victim Advocate, I knew that I wanted to become a prosecutor. I saw how violence impacts survivors. I wanted to end the cycles of violence and stop the perpetrators. I thought prison was the answer, and that I could be a protector.

Supreme Court ruling could send innocent Arizona convict to his death, critics contend

We might see another innocent person executed. We like to think that there aren’t any innocent people on death row. But there are.

A Call For ‘Radical Transparency’ To Prevent Police Corruption

Story by Sydney Plaskett; Reforms aimed at combatting corruption in U.S. policing should be focused on achieving “radical transparency,” says Michael Bromwich, former U.S. Department of Justice Inspector General who led an investigation of a Baltimore police scandal.

Gaydos and Chad talk with someone who opposes the death penalty. Is it too expensive?

A4J Deputy Director Valena Beety spoke with the Gaydos and Chad show on KTAR about the death penalty and why it doesn’t make sense.

Clarence Dixon’s execution reignites death penalty debate

“I don’t think people realize how many individuals are in prison who didn’t actually commit the crime that they’re in prison for. That also means the true perpetrator is on the streets.” A4J Dep. Director Valena Beety spoke with ABC 15 Arizona about the upcoming AZ execution.